The Study Tour to Taiwan 2016, organized by the Study Tour and Exchange Programme Team, was comprised of a group of 20 students from S3 and S4 and two teachers. During the 4-day trip, students visited the Bali Incineration Plant (新北市八里垃圾焚化爐) which also provides a banquet room for the local residents, the Suho Memorial Paper Museum (樹火紀念紙博物館) where they made their own recycled paper, the Tsz-Chi Recycling Collection Point (慈濟資源回收教育中心) where they learnt that most of the solid waste could be recycled to save the valuable resources. Students also witnessed the 3 recycle trucks that collect recyclable materials, general waste and organic waste. We also visited the Shimen Wind Power Plants (石門風力發電站) and the Gueishan Hydroelectric Power Plant (桂山水力發電站) to learn about the development of renewable energy in Taiwan.
Moreover, students tried the local delicacies at the famous Shilin Night Market (士林夜市), went shopping at Jiufen (九份山城) and visited the Eslite Bookstore (誠品書廳旗艦店). They also visited the 101 Tower and learnt the famous geological features of the Yehliu Geopark (野柳地質公園). They had a lot of fun in making the pineapple cakes in Vigor Store and releasing of the giant lanterns at Qing Pin (青平).
Students would work on two projects to look into the sustainable development of resources and energy in Taiwan and to compare the incineration plants in Taipei and Hong Kong. Students will share their findings in the morning assembly in February, 2017. The report will be presented on a webpage in 2017.
Event Date(s): 2016-11-21